library(metapsyData) library(metapsyTools) # v1.0.10 library(metafor) library(esc) library(dplyr) d <- getData("suicide-psyctr", version = "23.1.1") dat <- d$data # Run combined MA for ideation outcome data filterPoolingData(dat, outcome_type == "ideation") %>% runMetaAnalysis( = "combined", = 0.5, which.combine = "arms") %>% {.$model.combined$data$N = .$model.combined$data$n_arm1 + .$model.combined$data$n_arm2; .$model.combined$data$year = round(as.numeric(gsub("\\D", "", .$model.combined$data$study))); .$model.combined$data} %>% mutate(year = ifelse(year %in% c(20041, 20042), 2014, year)) %>% mutate(year = ifelse(year %in% c(20191, 20192), 2019, year), .TE = .TE*-1) -> ideation # Run combined MA for attempts outcome data filterPoolingData(dat, outcome_type == "attempts") %>% mutate(log_or = log(((event_arm1+.5)/(totaln_arm1-event_arm1+.5))/ ((event_arm2+.5)/(totaln_arm2-event_arm2+.5))), se_log_or = sqrt( (1/(event_arm1+.5)) + (1/(totaln_arm1-event_arm1+.5)) + (1/(event_arm2+.5)) + (1/(totaln_arm2-event_arm2+.5))) ) -> dat.attempts # Convert log-or to g using Chinn method dat.attempts$.d =$log_or, dat.attempts$se_log_or^2, transf = metafor::transf.lnortod.logis)[,"yi"] dat.attempts$.g_se =$log_or, dat.attempts$se_log_or^2, transf = metafor::transf.lnortod.logis)[,"vi"] %>% sqrt() dat.attempts$.g = esc::hedges_g(dat.attempts$.d, dat.attempts$totaln_arm1 + dat.attempts$totaln_arm2) dat.attempts %>% select(-.d, -log_or, -se_log_or) %>% runMetaAnalysis( = "combined", = 0.5, which.combine = "arms") %>% {.$model.combined$data$N = .$model.combined$data$totaln_arm1 + .$model.combined$data$totaln_arm2; .$model.combined$data$year = round(as.numeric(gsub("\\D", "", .$model.combined$data$study))); .$model.combined$data} %>% mutate(year = ifelse(year %in% c(20041, 20042), 2014, year)) %>% mutate(year = ifelse(year %in% c(20191, 20192), 2019, year), .TE = .TE*-1) -> attempts # Combine and save list(ideation = ideation, attempts = attempts, metadata = d$returnMetadata()) -> SuicideDB save(SuicideDB, file="www/SuicideDB.rda")