Welcome to the EBMPP Data Warehouse!
Enter your personal access token:
This application allows you to access the EBMPP data warehouse. The EBMPP data warehouse stores individual participant data (IPD) of clinical trials in mental health research, with a focus on antipsychotics. The application you have opened allows to retrieve the metadata for each trial stored in this warehouse. It can also be used to download harmonized and merged datasets of all included trials.
The data warehouse is not openly accessible. To access it, a personal access token (PAT) is required. To request such a token, please contact Mathias Harrer (mathias.harrer@tum.de). PATs typically expire within 3 months, after which a new token has to be requested.
Further documentation concerning the EBMPP data warehouse is provided in a repository hosted by the
Github organization.
This documentation also includes a comprehensive coding guide and code book for all harmonized variables. The documentation is not openly accessible; to get access, please contact Mathias.
The current application was developed using shiny
, and runs with
. To retrieve trial metadata, the application uses the Github REST API.